Sleep is an essential part of your baby’s life – it helps them grow and stay healthy as well as cope with all the new experiences they face each day…
viewAmong the mild digestive disorders are temporary gastro-intestinal problems, light regurgitation distant from meals (also called “spit-up”); but also, to a small extent, colic and constipation. These disturbances are very often caused by everyday hazards and situations: a poorly reconstituted formula, some fatigue, high temperature outside, stress…
They wiggle, bend their legs towards their stomach, grin regularly, regurgitate their milk or push food away with their tongue… If they get angry and cry for no apparent reason, then it may be possible that they are disturbed by minor digestive disorders. But these symptoms should nevertheless draw your attention.
If the symptoms mentioned above are already more serious, or if they persist in spite of the implementation of hygienic and dietetic measures and an adapted infant preparation: these are specific digestive disorders. Contact your doctor or pharmacist who will advise you and suggest more suitable infant formulas.
Specific disorders may lead to less frequent stools, abundant regurgitation or agitation, or even irritation of the infant.
Your baby can frequently regurgitate until the age of 12 months: their diet is essentially liquid and the fact of being in a lying position most of the time can encourage such milk regurgitation. You may occasionally hear about Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, which corresponds to such regurgitation in infants.
The term regurgitation is used when the milk is regurgitated at a distance from the feedings, mainly at night and when there is a significant amount of milk coming up.
Symptoms: It is difficult to quantify regurgitation. However, if your baby systematically refuses or regurgitates all or part of their meal, then you can follow our advice below and contact your doctor.
It is preferable to feed in a calm and relaxed atmosphere.
Infantile colic is expressed by inconsolable crying, or even screaming, which very frequently occurs in the evening and after meals, for no apparent reason. But the growth and health condition of the baby are not affected. These digestive disorders generally occur between the 2nd and the 6th week of life, and disappear spontaneously around the age of 4 months. Colic is not dangerous for the baby, but it can also be very stressful for the parents.
Inconsolable crying more than 3 hours a day, more than 3 days a week, for more than 3 weeks.
The baby becomes agitated, squirms, cries, seems to have a painful stomach (tense, bloated belly), sometimes bends their legs over their abdomen and emits gas.
First of all, it is important to make sure that the crying is not related to hunger: be attentive to the signs that suggest that your baby wants to eat (hands up to the mouth, attempts to suckle, breathing changes…). In case of doubt, do not hesitate to ask your doctor for advice. If it is indeed colic, here are some tips:
Breastfeeding or bottle-feeding should be done in a calm and relaxed atmosphere.
You can try rubbing your baby’s back gently, while they are lying on their stomach, on your knees or on your forearm, to help them evacuate gas.
Take advantage of bath time to massage your baby’s belly by making clockwise circles, as this can help their transit.
If you wish, you can give them a pacifier to suck on. This can soothe them.
If your baby is bottle-fed, the current infant formula may not be adapted to their digestive system which is still immature: you may then use a more specific infant formula. When adapted to the baby’s age, it helps reduce fermentation due to colic. Do not hesitate to ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice.
Constipation in babies is a frequent phenomenon and is, most of the time, functional and mainly related to their diet. Their stools are rare and/or hard and they seem to suffer from intestinal pain.
If your baby is less than 6 months old: less than 1 stool / 24h = constipation.
If your baby is more than 6 months old; less than 3 stools / week or hard (formed) stools = constipation.
If your baby is breastfed, the frequency of stools is more random: from 8 stools / 24 hours to a few stools / week. In case of doubt, please contact your doctor for more information.
Some gymnastics can help and relieve them: slowly pull their legs up, then unfold them like a frog.
If your baby is in a phase of dietary diversification, prefer foods rich in fiber: green vegetables (spinach, green beans, zucchini), fruits and fruit juices for infants (orange juice and prune juice). Fibre increases the speed of intestinal transit.
Don’t hesitate to give them water. Beware of water rich in magnesium, which can only be used under medical advice.
If your baby is bottle-fed, there are infant formulas that contribute to improving their intestinal transit.
Breastfeeding is the ideal way of meeting your child’s needs, it is a balanced model. It contains all the nutritional elements necessary for their development and evolves along with their needs…